The JCSWV mobile app. It's everything Jefferson County Schools straight to you phone!
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCSWV Mobile App
Students at T.A. Lowery Elementary School are being dismissed early today, Monday, Dec. 20, 2021. The early dismissal is the result of a power outage that officials with Potomac Edison say may continue through 2:00 PM. Buses will pick students up for a 12:30 PM dismissal. Students will receive lunch before being dismissed. Anyone needing to contact the school can use the emergency number (304) 676-0338. Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain a safe learning environment for students and staff.
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
TALES Mascot
Thank you to the entire Child Nutrition staff at Jefferson County Schools! Our cooks, cafeteria managers, and secretaries have continued to provide tasty, nutritious meals to students during unprecedented circumstances brought on by a global pandemic. Despite staffing shortages and supply chain issues, they served students more than 155,000 meals in October alone. They have not only continued to build good habits in our elementary school students with balanced meals for breakfast and lunch, but are also reducing food waste and helping middle and high school students make good choices by allowing them to make individual decisions on which menu items they choose, including the salad bar.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Student at salad bar
A reminder that Jefferson County Schools has returned to a regular schedule for Fridays. That means that today, Dec. 3, 2021, is a full day of school for all students. Thank you for supporting our staff!
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS Logo
The Rotary Club of Shepherdstown has donated $1,220 to this year's "Candy Cane Express" Christmas toy drive for needy children attending T.A. Lowery Elementary School in Shenandoah Junction. The toy drive is intended to assist T.A. Lowery-student families who have been identified as lacking sufficient means to provide their children with toys. It begins on November 1 and lasts through the first week of December. The school provides detailed guidance on the kinds of toys needed, and all the toys collected must be new and unopened. When the drive is over, families come to the school to select their children's toys before the school begins its Christmas break, The Rotary Club presented its check on November 29 at the school. All the funds for it were raised through individual contributions from Club members.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
 from left to right, Rotary Club member Walt Eifert; Rotary Club Youth Service Committee Chair Cara Keys; T.A. Lowrey Principal Kristen Martin; T.A. Lowery Special Education Teacher Beth Saunders, who helps direct the toy drive; and Rotary Club President Steve Campbell.
Dear T.A. Lowery Elementary families, Please remember that school is closed on Thursday, 11/11, in honor of Veterans Day, and the half-day on Friday, 11/12, is a remote learning day. Our child nutrition services will continue Friday, with food packs available for pickup from 9:30am-10:30am.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Elementary School families may be interested in the following Public Service Announcement regarding a COVID-19 vaccination opportunity for children from 5-11 years old. For Questions regarding the clinics, please call the Jefferson County Health Department at 304-728-8416. COVID-19 vaccinations are NOT required for school attendance.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
VOCI-19 Vaccination Clinic Information
Hello T. A. Lowery families, Just a reminder that our students will be dismissed three hours early on Fridays. The end of our instructional day will be at 12:40, we will dismiss privately transported students at 12:45, and buses at 12:50. October 22 will be a remote learning day. Please look for information from your child's teacher regarding the Zoom link and Canvas. It is imperative that you download the Canvas app and access the Observer Code to allow you to communicate with your child's teacher and view your child's grades. If you need assistance with retrieving the Observer Code, please reach out to your child's teacher. Make sure that you download the Jefferson County Schools app to receive the most current information.
over 3 years ago, T. A. Lowery Elementary School
Staffing shortages are impacting school systems across the country. For Jefferson County Schools (JCS), the shortages have significantly affected our staff time to complete critical behind-the-scenes work that goes into sustaining excellence in teaching and learning. Beginning October 15th, Jefferson County Schools will dismiss students 1/2 day every Friday. Staff will spend 3 hours completing all non-student supervision work (planning, SAT/IEP meetings, creating instructional materials, deep cleaning, etc). A full explanation of the factors leading to this change and expectations for staff in using this time can be found in the “Sustaining Excellence Plan” on the JCS website
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
We've got some important dates for families to remember this school year! Make sure to download the JCS 21-22 at a Glance Calendar and keep up with what's happening in your schools!
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
At a Glance Calendar
Hello T. A. Families, On Friday, September 24, we will be sending home reports for our fourth and fifth grade students from last year's West Virginia General Summative Assessment. In addition, first and second grade interims will be issued on September 24. Parents of third, fourth, and fifth grade students are encouraged to log into Canvas to view student grades. If you need assistance with the Canvas app, please reach out to your child's teacher. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, T. A. Lowery Elementary School
Corrected link for COVID letter: Hello T. A. Lowery families, Please click on the link, to read our updated information regarding Jefferson County Schools' COVID notifications. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Thank you so much! Sincerely, Kristen Martin, Principal
over 3 years ago, T. A. Lowery Elementary School
We will always remember 9-11-2001 so our students never forget.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
9-11-2001 Image
Jefferson Virtual Academy Device Distribution Device pick-up for students confirmed for JVA enrollment will be held Friday, Aug 20th, at the Jefferson High School cafeteria. Devices will be distributed alphabetically by last name: 1:00 A-D 2:00 E-K 3:00 L-Q 4:00 R-Z There will be additional opportunities for device pick up next week for families unable to attend on Friday. Thank you for your patience. Please visit www. for more updates.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson Virtual Academy
We’re so excited to welcome everyone back for the 2021-2022 school year! We wanted to give you a few notes as some things have changed since last year. 1. Students in grades 1-5 will begin school on Monday, August 23rd. 2. Kindergarten will have in-person orientation with their parent(s) or guardian(s) on Monday, August 23rd and may come to the 9:30am or 11:30am session. Attendance counts so please make sure you bring your kindergartener. 😊 Kindergarten’s first day of school will be Tuesday, August 24th. Letters for kindergarten students will be sent home within the week. 3. Preschool orientation is Tuesday, August 24th. More details to follow! 4. Open House for grades pre-k through 5th will be in-person on September 9th from 6-8pm.
over 3 years ago, T. A. Lowery Elementary School
Just a reminder, WV State law requires all children entering school for the first time in K-12 must show proof of immunizations, in addition 7th and 12th graders must show additional proof of Tdap and MCV4 (meningitis) immunizations. If you need help obtaining immunizations for your student, please contact the Jefferson County Health Department at 304-728-8416, or your Primary Care Physician.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Reminder WV State law requires all children entering school for the first time in k-12 must show proof of immunizations, in addition 7th and 12th graders must show additional proof of Tdap and MCV4 (meningitis) immunizations." If you need help obtaining immunizations for your student, please contact the Jefferson County Health Department at 304-728-8416, or your Primary Care Physician.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
The robots have taken over the JCS Summer Experience!! These future engineers and scientists made some great projects this week. We've had a lot of fun learning with STEM!
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Kids sitting in circle
Cat robot
Tin foil robot
Cardboard robot
Thanks to Appalachian Storyteller Adam Booth, who visited the JCS Summer Experience Tuesday. He spoke to students and staff about our wild and wonderful state and region!
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Man talking to students
Man with students
Our students are harnessing the sun during the JCS Summer Experience! It is a delicious way to end the final week of this wonderful summer program! Thank you to our amazing staff for their hard work engaging kids!
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Kids outside
Kids outside at table